The National Federation of Music Clubs has been affiliated with the United Nations since 1949 and was the first music organization invited to be a part of the Department of Public Information (now the Department of Global Communications). NFMC and her members are committed to implementing strategies and programs of action that will support the United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development, Agenda 2030, and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We are committed as individuals and as an organization to making our world a more just, equitable and healthy place to live, learn and grow.

In October of 1945 representatives from 51 nations ratified the United Nations Charter emphasizing a commitment to connecting civil society worldwide. In 1946 the UN General Assembly established the Department of Public Information/Non-Governmental Organizations (DPI/NGO) through resolution 13. The stated goal of the DPI was and is, “to promote global awareness and understanding of the work of the United Nations.” In 1949 the National Federation of Music Clubs was accredited by the UN as a Non-Governmental Organization and was the first music organization associated with the Department of Public Information.

There are currently over 1300 NGOs associated with the United Nations DPI.

The NFMC provides this outline as an NGO:


  1. To analyze and interpret to the NFMC membership the aims and works of the UN.
  2. As an organization included in the Official Roster of the UN, to reaffirm music as a universal language and to enhance the musical path of mutual understanding through cultural enrichment at all levels, amateur or professional.
  3. To continue to observe and to cooperate for the survival of music in all its multiple noteworthy facets, whenever the opportunity arises.


  1. Attend and study the content of briefings and conferences at the UN HQ in NYC, particularly those projects devoted to education and culture – topics that the Congress of the US has chartered NFMC to represent in our nation.
  2. Relay to the NFMC pertinent information from the UN.

There are many ways NFMC members can be involved with the work done by the United Nations.

  1. Stay informed. Any member of civil society can access the UN website and gather information about its goals and work throughout the globe. Start here: 
  2. Learn about Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
  3. Watch UN DPI Briefings live on UN Web TV:
  4. Contact your Representative:

All members of NFMC can request information about the UN and the work of the representative. We not only occupy a place of honor by being accredited at the UN, but have an obligation to work with it in pursuit of its goals – a peaceful planet, mindful of its vulnerability to misinformation and/or no information. We can help. The UN Charter and our own Charter are there to affirm the role.


Valente, Liana. “Improving the Quality of Life of Older Persons Through Music Participation.”  UN Decade of Healthy Ageing Progress Report 2021 – 2023; Case Study, December 10, 2023

Valente, Liana. “United Nations Update From Your Representative to the UN Department of Global Communications.” Music Clubs Magazine, vol. 102, no. 2, 2023, p. 20.

“Decade of Heathy Ageing: An Update From Your UN Representative, Dr. Liana Valente.”  Music Clubs Magazine, vol. 101, no. 3, 2022, p. 12.

“A Note from Your United Nations Representative: Liana Valente.” Music Clubs Magazine, vol. 100, no. 1, 2020, p.17. 

“A Note from Your United Nations Representative: Liana Valente.” Music Clubs Magazine, vol. 99, no. 2, 2020, pp. 24 – 25.  

“A Note from Your United Nations Representative: Liana Valente.” Junior Keynotes Magazine, vol. 93, no. 2, Winter 2020, p. 11

“A Note from Your United Nations Representative: Liana Valente.” Music Clubs Magazine, vol. 99, no. 1, Autumn 2019, p. 21.

Valente, Liana. “Include the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Your Club’s Events.” NFMC Interlude Magazine, Summer 2019, p. 9.

“From NFMC’s UN Representative: Liana Valente.” Music Clubs Magazine, vol. 98, no. 3, Spring 2019, pp. 20 – 21. 

Dr. Liana Valente, Representative to the United Nations (NGO)
United Nations
801 2nd Ave, Second Floor, New York, NY 10017