
The NFMC Divisions provide a channel of responsibility and accountability. The Divisions are grouped according to types of activities, with a Division Chair, Department Chairs and Vice-Chairs or Chairs of a special activity, Regional Chairs, Committees, including Boards, Representatives and Official Personnel.

Each Division Chair coordinates the work of its individual Departments and Committees; chairs Division meetings; receives reports from Chairs; reviews the Goals and Methods, and submits them to the Coordinator of Division Activities; and is accountable to the NFMC President and Board of Directors.

Administrative Division

ChairDeborah Freeman
Bylaws and RulesLana Bailey, Chair
Committee: Cynthia Elmore, Jeanne Hryniewicki, Dr. Ouida Keck
Arts AdvocacySam Ecoff, Chair
Committee: Dr. William Carroll, Jeannine Morris, Cathy Neidert, Sally Palmer, Dawn Steggerda
Policy ResolutionsHeidi Hong, Chair
Committee: Harriet Coker, Jodie Jensen, Lucinda Lear, Melba Maechtlen, Laurie Marshall
National Headquarters BuildingDr. George Keck, Chair
Committee: Lana M. Bailey, William Elmore, Laurel Ince, Peter Olson
ProtocolMarcia Chaplin, Chair
Sara Kellar, Vice Chair
Committee: Harriet Coker, Dr. Janie Gilliam, Margarite Harvey, Karen Herndon, Barbara Hildebrand, Elaine Knight, Ruth Morrow
Sergeants-At-ArmsWilliam Elmore, Chair
Daryl Jessen, Vice Chair
ChaplainKathie White
HistorianChristy Smith
United NationsDr. Liana Valente, Representative
Office CommitteeMichael Edwards, Chair
Committee: Debbie Barnes, Suzanne Carpenter, Deborah Freeman, Heidi Hong, Dr. George Keck
Carolyn Nelson, Linda King
ParliamentarianWanda Sims
Coordinator of Departmental ActivitiesHarriet Coker
ArchivesDr. George Keck, Chair
Lifetime Achievement AwardHeidi Hong, Chair

American Music Division

ChairRuth Morrow
Regional ChairsKarl Morris, Northeastern
Marlene Hulleman, North Central
Carla Jean Johnson, South Central
Dr. Mira Kruja, Southeastern
Ruth Fleming, Western
American Festival ChorusSelected by conference/convention chair
America Women ComposersClaudia Sandifer, Chair
Folk MusicRuth McDaniel, Chair
Jazz MusicWendell Anderson, Chair

Arts Division

ChairEllen Leapaldt
Chamber MusicLorraine Perry Long, Chair
Celebrate StringsHelena Meetze, Chair
International Music RelationsRuth Ann McChesney, Chair
Music In PoetryKaren Grilk Noorani, Chair
Regional Chair:
Alpha Roeszler, North Central
Jeannine Morris, Northeastern
Dr. Barbara Lippincott, South Central
Debra Hughes, Southeastern 
Ruth Brown, Western
Music in Schools & CollegesGloria Febro Grilk, Chair
Regional Chair:
Lucinda Lear, North Central
Heather Buffington, Northeastern
Brenda Ford, South Central
Cassandra Lacey, Southeastern
Wilma Hawkins, Western
Choral Music
Together We Sing
Music in Poetry & Song
Music Outreach
Sacred Music
Penny Draper, Chair
Barbara Murray, Chair
Editorial Committee:  Debra Hughes, Kristin Ivers, Barbara Murray
Lisa Skaggs Thomas, Chair
Karen Herndon, Chair
National Music WeekGloria Lien, Chair
Regional Chair:
Kathryn Peters & Paula Kudelko, NE & SE Regions
Virginia Feitelson, NC, SC & W Regions
National Music Week Essay ContestJan Hansen, North & South Central & Western
Sue Roy, Northeastern
Nathalie Steinbach, Southeastern
OperaRosa Khalife-McCracken, Chair
Regional Chair:
Patricia Steege, North Central
TBD, Northeastern
Lynn McNew, South Central
Joel Adams, Southeastern
Ruth Brown, Western

Competitions & Awards Division

ChairLucinda Lear
Veterans Awards
American Music In Armed Forces Composition
Anne Gannett Award for Veterans
Lucille Parrish Ward Veterans Award
Paul Brady, Chair
Emil & Ruth Beyer Composition AwardDr. Donald M. Hassler, Chair
Glad Robinson Youse Adult Composers ContestRon Marenchin, Chair
Alpha Corinne Mayfield Opera AwardMyra Cordell-Bagnoli, Chair
NFMC Ellis Competition for Duo Pianists AwardNaomi Sanchez, Chair
Martha Marcks Mack Senior Vocal AwardMelanie Perez, Chair
Thelma A. Robinson Award in ConductingDonna Gerber
Ruth Morse Wilson Handbell Choir AwardKaren Jaros, Chair
Vivian Menees Nelson Music Award for the Disabled
and Visually Impaired
Karen Bourne, Chair
PNP Virginia Allison Collaborative AwardKay Hawthorne, Chair
PNP Hinda Honigman Award for the BlindMary Margaret Yeilding, Chair
Young Artist CompetitionDr. Zuill Bailey, Chair
Category Chairs:
Woman’s Voice – Dr. Candice Aipperspach
Man’s Voice – Dr. Andre Chiang
Piano –Andrew Armstrong
Strings – Lana Bailey
Young Artist PresentationStarla Blair, Chair
Ouida Keck AwardDr. Elaine Brady, Chair

Summer Music Centers Awards

ChairMary Ellen Nolletti
Representatives of Scholarships to Summer Music Centers: 
Aspen School of MusicLinda King
Brevard Music CenterJoel Adams
Brevard Music Center – Lucille Parrish Ward AwardDale Clark
Chautauqua Music SchoolRuth Ann McChesney
Chautauqua Music School – Eleanor Pascoe Award in VoiceRuth Ann McChesney
Chautauqua Music School – Peggy Hoover Bryan AwardPeggy Bryan
Chautauqua Music School – Martha Marcks Mack AwardRuthann McChesney
Curtis Institute of MusicCarleton Gholz
Eastern Music FestivalDr. William Carroll
Stephen Collins Foster Music Camp – Eastern Kentucky UniversitySue Ann Reeves
Gladys Comstock AwardConnie Stephens
Inspiration Point Fine Arts ColonyLois Armor
Inspiration Point Fine Arts Colony – Mary Prudie Brown Music Education AwardJean Moffatt
Inspiration Point Fine Arts Colony – Martha Macks Marck Junior Vocal AwardCarla Johnson
Interlochen Arts CampHazel Lawrence
International Music CampDeborah Eraas
Junior Composer InstitutePat Grantier
Kniesel HallYoo Jin Hong
Marrowstone Music FestivalEvan Berge
MeadowmountMary McGowan
Music Academy of the West Summer Music School & FestivalSarah Rowe Stretz
Ravinia Festival Steans Institute for Young ArtistTerry Tennes
Rocky Ridge Music CenterKaren Greenhalgh
Santa Fe Opera Linda King
Sewanee Music CenterMary Ellen Nolletti
The Walden SchoolSeth Brenzel

Finance Division

ChairCarolyn Nelson
 Committee: Suzanne Carpenter, Michael Edwards, Kim Harvey, Heidi Hong, Dr. Ouida Keck, Lucinda Lear

Heidi Hong, Chair
Committee: Suzanne Carpenter, Kim Harvey, Barbara Hildebrand, Carolyn Nelson

Founders DayCynthia Elmore, Chair
Fund for the Advancement of Musical ArtsDr. Ouida Keck, Chair
Lana Bailey, Vice Chair
Fund for Awards Honoring Past National PresidentsSara Kellar, Chair
InsigniaDr. Janie Gilliam, Chair
InvestmentsWendell Anderson, Chair
Committee: Chuck Blaser, Suzanne Carpenter, Deborah Freeman, Barbara Hildebrand, Carolyn Nelson
Memorial and Recognition FundConnie Randall, Chair
Past Presidents AssemblyIrene VIle, Chair
Rose Fay Thomas FellowsDale Clark, Chair
Tax ExemptionDuane Langley, Chair

Junior Division

Chair Laurie Marshall
Junior Club Achievement Sally Palmer, Chair
Junior Festivals Bulletin Janice Flinte, Editor
Festivals   Lori Jessen, Chair Regional Chair Cathy Neidert, South Central Esther Umansky-Roth, Southeastern Arlene Anger, Northeastern Mary Wescott, North Central Aaron Bloom, Western
Festival Database Sandra Preysz, Chair
Festival Cups Mary Jane Timmer, Chair
Junior Composers Contest   Joanie Pegram, Chair Regional Chair Shirley Erickson, North Central W. T. Skye Garcia, South Central Michael Zutis, Northeastern Cheryl Poe, Southeastern Patty Hadley, Western
Lynn Freeman Olson Composition Award Lisa Smith, Chair
Mary Alice Cox Award Matt Miller, Chair
PNP Robinson Ballet Award Justin Gray, Chair
NFMC Dance Award Nicholas Gray, Chair
Wendell Irish Viola Award Dr. George Keck, Chair
Angie Greer Music in Poetry Award Debra Hughes, Chair
Martha Marcks Mack Junior Vocal Award Kristin Ivers, Chair
Stillman Kelley Awards & Thelma Byrum Award Dr. Jason Sifford, Chair
Claire Ulrich-Whitehurst Piano Award Marcia Chaplin, Chair
Marilyn Caldwell Piano Award Linda Lind, Chair
Music for the Blind Composition Award (Fowler) & Benzinger Award Patty Dietlin, Chair
Joyce Walsh Junior Disability Award Hollis Wittman, Chair
PNP Lana M. Bailey Piano Concerto Award Lana Bailey, Chair
PNP Michael R. Edwards Award Michael Edwards, Chair

Membership Division

ChairNatlynn Hayes
Individual MembershipJimmie Stephens, Chair
Junior MembershipLaurie Marshall, Chair
Student/Collegiate MembershipSheila Shusterich, Chair
Senior MembershipNatlynn Hayes, Chair
Course of Study/Program PlanningElizabeth Guest Martin Chair
Senior YearbooksGilda Bocock, Chair
Senior Club Reporting & EvaluationLinda Flick, Chair
Senior Orientation & Leadership TrainingAnn Guest, Chair

Public Relations Division

ChairJulie Watson
Committee: Susie Cook, Brenda Ford, Karen Greenhalgh, Marschnee Strong
Melody Stroth
MediaValerie Harris, Chair
NFMC CitationsKaren Greenhalgh, Chair
Centennial Chamber CommendationJudy Barger-Edgell, Chair

Audio/Visual Equipment

Roger Lear, Manager
Committee: Wendell Anderson, Terry Blair, Zuill Bailey

Editorial Board

Susan Rigoulot, Chair
Mary Wescott, North Central
Dr. Deborah Rhine, South Central
Kristin Ivers, Northeastern
Dr. Janie Gilliam, Southeastern
Wilma Hawkins, Western
Junior Keynotes MagazineJeanne Hryniewicki, Editor
Music Clubs MagazineJean Moffatt, Editor

Student/Collegiate Division

Chair Sheila Shusterich

Student/Collegiate Auditions/td>

Dr. Liana Valente, Chair

Student/Collegiate Composers Competitions Jim McCutcheon, Chair
Lynn Freeman Olson Composition Award Naomi Sanchez, Chairs
Myrtle Mehan/Hazel Morgan Music Education Scholarship Karl Morris, Chair
Herman and Mary Neuman Award Dr. Judy Delzell, Chair
Lynn Freeman Olson Award in Piano Pedagogy Naomi Sanchez, Chair
Gretchen E. Van Roy Scholarship for Music Education Fabio Parrini, Chair
Elizabeth Grieger Wiegand Award Dr. Paula Savaglio, Chair
Music Therapy Award — Ruth B. Robertson Award &
Dorothy Dann Bullock Award
Susan Von Nessen, Chair

Oscar Valentin Award in Violin Susan Dunn, Chair
Ernest Bluhm Flute Award Dana Boney, Chair
PNP Elizabeth Paris French Horn Award Roger Lear, Chair
PNP Carolyn Nelson Double Reed Award Tim Baumann, Chair
Classical Guitar Award Connor Barney, Chair
PNP Frances J. Nelson Tuba Award Dr. Derek Bromme,  Chair